Saturday, September 17, 2016

Introduction to "Zach's Family Findings."

Intro to Zach's Family Findings

In this blog, I will be posting weekly updates about information regarding the purpose and value of the family. The information will be unbiased, which provides a welcome relief from much of the media which surrounds us today. The goal with this blog is to promote discussion regarding the family, and to determine appropriate actions that individuals should take regarding the information that is presented and discussed here.

My idea with this type of blog is to examine research, data, and professional feedback regarding the family. Much of the information we have, and many studies which have been conducted regarding family, have been either falsified or incorrectly conducted. As an example, I cite the Supreme Court case in 2015 which resulted in the legalization of same sex marriage. There were studies used in this case that determined that children raised by same-sex couples fared just as well as children raised by hetero-sexual parents. Upon reviewing these studies, I discovered that many were conducted on sample groups of inadequate sizes, and many more compared children raised by same sex couples against children raised, not by hetero-sexual couples, but by single mothers. The studies in this case were biased because they gave an inaccurate representation of what they claimed to be measuring.

Therefore, the purpose I have here is to be able to freely talk about these things and discuss the facts. I will rarely, if ever, include my opinion in the posts, and even in responding to comments I will attempt to remain unbiased.

Please feel free to comment, post links and articles, and make your opinion known. Please make sure to keep all discussion polite and productive! 

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