Saturday, November 5, 2016

This week, I want to discuss marital intimacy a little. As this is an extremely personal topic, I want to avoid any specific details and discuss the differences in perception that men and women have regarding intimacy.

For men, sexual intimacy is primarily a physical response. Because of their physiological structure, men are more likely to view sexual intimacy as the pinnacle of emotional bonding. In saying this, I do not wish to imply that women do not view sexual intimacy as an emotional bond - quite the opposite, in fact. Women, as opposed to men, are more likely to desire physical intimacy if they feel loved, needed, and secure. Unlike men, they are not physically capable of wanting to engage in sexual intercourse at a moment's notice. They require an emotional build-up to that point.

Likewise, the actual physical actions differ between men and women. As I mentioned, the topic we are discussing is sensitive and personal. If you want to look into the matter further, I would recommend the book "And They Were Not Ashamed: Strengthening Marriage Through Sexual Fulfillment" by Laura M. Brotherson. The book takes an in-depth and respectful view at the male and female sexual response.

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